Overview of Submission Process


This guideline provides instructions for the abstract submission process for SIDC 2024 Research & E-Poster Awards. The process involves three (3) stages, and there are actions or requirements that participants must follow for certain stages.

This document outlines the steps for each stage and the associated requirements.

Stage 1: Abstract Submission

1. Register for the Conference:

2. Create an Account on the Portal:

3. Submit Your Abstract:

4. The Review Committee will assess all submitted abstracts based on the provided guidelines:

1) Go to Submissions. Select the abstract.
2) Click Edit Abstract.
3) Edit the required field. Save Changes. (The decision status will show as Pending once done.)


Stage 2: Selection of Finalists

The Review Committee will evaluate the selected abstracts and choose the number of finalists required for each category.

  1. Once promoted to Stage 2, you will need to answer another mandatory question.

To answer, follow the below steps: 
1) Log-in to your account on the abstract portal. Click on Submissions.
2) Select your abstract. At the top-right menu, click Edit Abstract.
3) Answer the question “Will you be able to attend the final evaluation on 17 January 2024 to present your research?”  Click Submit Submission.

2. The Review Committee will select the FINALISTS from these abstracts.

Stage 3: Presentation Submission

  1. Presentation Schedule and Requirements:

If you have any questions or concerns, contact us at research-awards@sidc.org.sa