11th Emirates Oncology Conference - Abstract Submission

Abstract Guidelines:

Abstract content must meet the following guidelines:

Submission Categories:

Adrenal Cancer  NSCLC, Metastatic 
Biliary Tract Cancer, Incl. Cholangiocarcinoma  Oesophagogastric Cancer 
Breast Cancer, Early Stage  Palliative Care 
Breast Cancer, Locally Advanced  Pancreatic Cancer 
Breast Cancer, Metastatic  Penile Cancer 
CNS Tumours  Prostate Cancer 
Colorectal Cancer  Psycho-Oncology 
Endocrine Tumours  Renal Cancer 
Germ Cell (Testicular) Cancer  Sarcoma 
Gynaecological Cancers  Supportive Care 
Haematological Malignancies  Thoracic Malignancies, Other 
Head and Neck Cancer Thyroid Cancer 
Hepatocellular Carcinoma (HCC)  Tumour Biology And Pathology
Interventional Radiology and Oncology  Urothelial Cancer 
Melanoma and Other Skin Tumours  Cancer Nursing
Neuroendocrine Tumours  NSCLC, Early Stage 
Small Cell Lung Cancer NSCLC, Locally Advanced 
Pharmacy and therapeutics Quality improvement

Abstract Details:

E-Poster Presentation Guidelines

A poster is very different from a paper or a talk, and so, different techniques need to be used in its preparation. You will be required to submit a 300-word abstract upon submission via the website.

Images and tables:



Key Dates
Submission of Abstracts Closes - October 12, 2023  
Abstract Review Process - October 13 - October 20, 2023 
Acceptance Communication - October 23-25, 2023  
Final Submission of Abstract Poster - November 3, 2023  


Abstract Winners: