11th Emirates Oncology Conference - Abstract Submission
Abstract Guidelines:
Abstract content must meet the following guidelines:
Should address clinically relevant scientific questions as per the below mentioned categories.
Original scientific data in the form of a randomized clinical trials or prospective or retrospective research studies that have not been presented or published previously.
High-impact research with practice-changing implications.
Case reports or series will not be accepted.
Submission Categories:
Adrenal Cancer | NSCLC, Metastatic |
Biliary Tract Cancer, Incl. Cholangiocarcinoma | Oesophagogastric Cancer |
Breast Cancer, Early Stage | Palliative Care |
Breast Cancer, Locally Advanced | Pancreatic Cancer |
Breast Cancer, Metastatic | Penile Cancer |
CNS Tumours | Prostate Cancer |
Colorectal Cancer | Psycho-Oncology |
Endocrine Tumours | Renal Cancer |
Germ Cell (Testicular) Cancer | Sarcoma |
Gynaecological Cancers | Supportive Care |
Haematological Malignancies | Thoracic Malignancies, Other |
Head and Neck Cancer | Thyroid Cancer |
Hepatocellular Carcinoma (HCC) | Tumour Biology And Pathology |
Interventional Radiology and Oncology | Urothelial Cancer |
Melanoma and Other Skin Tumours | Cancer Nursing |
Neuroendocrine Tumours | NSCLC, Early Stage |
Small Cell Lung Cancer | NSCLC, Locally Advanced |
Pharmacy and therapeutics | Quality improvement |
Abstract Details:
The abstract must have the following sections- Introduction, Objectives, Materials and Methods, Results, and Conclusions.
The abstract must not be more than 300 words and must be based on the original research that has not been published or presented previously.
Covering letter with a statement defining the purpose of the work to be presented at EOC 2023.
Main findings of the study or main expected implications.
Five or six keywords relating to the topic should be supplied along with the abstract.
EOC 2023 Scientific committee will evaluate the content of each abstract and make the final selection of the ones to be published in the book of abstracts.
The organizers will inform the submitter about the result of his/her submitted work.
The deadline for Abstract Submission is 12th October 2023, no abstracts will be accepted after the deadline.
For any withdrawals, the presenter should notify the organizer in writing at least 20 days prior to the event.
The presentation must cover the same material as the abstract.
The first author should present his/her abstract in the EOC 2023 programme if it is selected for presentation as oral presentation OR Poster. The first author may nominate a co-author to present an abstract in his/her place provided that the replacement presenter is also a listed co-author and the organising committee is informed of this prior to the submission deadline.
E-Poster Presentation Guidelines
The first abstract of 300 words summarises the components of the poster below.
A poster is a visual presentation comprising whatever the contributor wishes to display on the poster board. A display uses text, graphs, tables, charts, and pictures to present the highlights of a subject.
As always in a scientific presentation, the e-poster should include:
Statement of the problem
Significance of the problem
Description of the research method
Presentation of results or expected results
Summary of the work and conclusions
A poster is very different from a paper or a talk, and so, different techniques need to be used in its preparation. You will be required to submit a 300-word abstract upon submission via the website.
Posters should be designed to: Catch the viewer's attention, quickly acquaint the viewer with the basics of your subject, and make the viewer want to learn more.
An E-poster is a digital version of a poster presentation. The e-poster may include text, figures, charts, tables, images, and artwork but does not include any audio, video, web links, or animation.
As an e-poster presenter, you are asked to prepare a single PDF page, using that will be displayed at EOC 2023 on a widescreen monitor.
The e-poster PDF file should be submitted with pixels width 1080px and height 1920px.
Font size: The font size should be 20pt or bigger.
Images and tables:
You are welcome to use images and tables in your presentation.
Avoid overlapping, animated objects or serial animations.
All graphs and tables must be embedded in your file and have titles
Avoid animated GIF files and be mindful of copyrights and personal anonymity with
your images or photos.
Do not insert or embed any videos in your presentation.
Use squares, rectangles, circles, etc., to group similar ideas. Avoid cluttering your poster with too much text. Label different elements as I, II, III or 1, 2, 3 or A, B, C, making it easier for the viewers to follow your display.
Please do not include audio in your presentation.
Do not include hyperlinks as there will be no internet access on the e-poster screens.
Key Dates
Submission of Abstracts Closes - October 12, 2023
Abstract Review Process - October 13 - October 20, 2023
Acceptance Communication - October 23-25, 2023
Final Submission of Abstract Poster - November 3, 2023
Abstract Winners: