11th Emirates Oncology Conference 2023 - Abstract Submission
Abstract Guidelines:
Abstract content must meet the following guidelines:
Should address clinically relevant scientific questions as per the below mentioned categories.
Original scientific data in the form of a randomized clinical trials or prospective or retrospective research studies that have not been presented or published previously.
High-impact research with practice-changing implications.
Case reports or series will not be accepted.
Submission Categories:
Adrenal Cancer | NSCLC, Metastatic |
Biliary Tract Cancer, Incl. Cholangiocarcinoma | Oesophagogastric Cancer |
Breast Cancer, Early Stage | Palliative Care |
Breast Cancer, Locally Advanced | Pancreatic Cancer |
Breast Cancer, Metastatic | Penile Cancer |
CNS Tumours | Prostate Cancer |
Colorectal Cancer | Psycho-Oncology |
Endocrine Tumours | Renal Cancer |
Germ Cell (Testicular) Cancer | Sarcoma |
Gynaecological Cancers | Supportive Care |
Haematological Malignancies | Thoracic Malignancies, Other |
Head and Neck Cancer | Thyroid Cancer |
Hepatocellular Carcinoma (HCC) | Tumour Biology And Pathology |
Interventional Radiology and Oncology | Urothelial Cancer |
Melanoma and Other Skin Tumours | Cancer Nursing |
Neuroendocrine Tumours | NSCLC, Early Stage |
Small Cell Lung Cancer | NSCLC, Locally Advanced |
Pharmacy and therapeutics | Quality improvement |
Important Details:
The abstract must have the following sections - Introduction, Objectives, Materials and Methods, Results, and Conclusions.
The abstract must not be more than 400 words and must be based on the original research that has not been published or presented previously.
Covering letter with a statement defining the purpose of the work to be presented at EOC 2023.
Main findings of the study or main expected implications.
Five or six keywords relating to the topic should be supplied along with the abstract.
EOC 2023 Scientific committee will evaluate the content of each abstract and make the final selection of the ones to be published in the book of abstracts.
The organizers will inform the submitter about the result of his/her submitted work.
The deadline for Abstract Submission is extended until November 3, 2023. No abstracts will be accepted after the deadline.
For any withdrawals, the presenter should notify the organizer in writing at least 20 days prior to the event.
The presentation must cover the same material as the abstract.
The first author should present his/her abstract in the EOC 2023 programme IF IT IS SELECTED for presentation as oral presentation OR Poster. The first author may nominate a co-author to present an abstract in his/her place provided that the replacement presenter is also a listed co-author and the organising committee is informed of this prior to the submission deadline.
- FORMAT: All abstracts must be prepared and submitted according to the following guidelines:
- LENGTH: Abstracts should be a maximum 400 words including the title, author information, and
text. NOTE: If submitted as a poster, the image will be reduced to fit on one page. - AUTHORS: Include the full name of each author in the desired order. Use superscript numbers
to indicate each authors’ affiliation. Do not include professional titles or degrees.
▪ The submitting author should not add other co-authors without their prior agreement. Do
not include anyone who does not meet the criteria for authorship as defined by the ICMJE
(see http://www.icmje.org/recommendations/browse/roles-and-responsibilities/defining-the-role-of-authors-and-contributors.html). - AFFILIATIONS: Number each affiliation and include the department (if applicable), institution or
company name, city, state (if applicable), and country. - EMAIL: The submitting author must provide a valid email address in case there are any queries
following submission of the abstract. - STRUCTURE: Research abstracts should be a brief structured summary of the paper with
headings for the Introduction, Methods, Results, and Conclusion. Case reports and other types
of abstracts should be a brief unstructured summary with no headings. - TEXT: Abstracts must be written in English. Abbreviations should be defined at first mention.
Avoid including information that requires a citation or reference. Dates should be given in
Month Day, Year format. - TABLES/FIGURES: One brief table or figure (high resolution image file, 300 dpi) is allowed.
Tables/figures may be removed if needed due to space constraints. Use of third-party material is
not permitted. - PROOFREAD: Abstracts will be published as-is. Carefully proofread the submission prior to
- LENGTH: Abstracts should be a maximum 400 words including the title, author information, and
- RESPONSIBILITY: All authors approve the final version of the abstract to be submitted for publication
AND agree to be accountable for all aspects of the work. - PERMISSION TO PUBLISH: By submitting this abstract, the authors give permission to the Journal of
Immunotherapy and Precision Oncology (JIPO) to publish the content. - COPYRIGHTS: Authors attest that their abstract does not include any copyrighted material. Authors
attest that the abstract has not been submitted elsewhere and is not under consideration with any
other conference. Accepted abstracts will be published as-is in the Journal and are therefore
embargoed until the date of presentation or publication, whichever comes first. Thereafter, the authors
are permitted to reuse their abstract in the full publication of their work in JIPO or elsewhere. - QUESTIONS: If you have any additional queries regarding publication, please contact the Journal at:
Please do not include audio in your presentation.
Do not include hyperlinks as there will be no internet access on the e-poster screens.
Submission of Abstracts Closes - October 12, 2023 | Submission deadline extended until November 3, 2023
Abstract Review Process - November 4 -November 6, 2023
Acceptance Communication - November 7, 2023
Final Submission of Abstract Poster - November 8, 2023